This page is dedicated to the temperature departures/anomalies this winter. The temperature is often lost in the mix as the snow and rain storms become the reasons why people remember or forget winters. Below are images courtesy of WeatherBell, LLC (with the exception of the Mike's Snow Watch map).
December Temperatures:
Current January Temperature Anomalies as of January 22, 2015:
Predicted Temperature Anomalies From January 12-17:
The brutal cold shifts east in the next five days as it warms in the west. The next five days are forecasted to be about 5 degrees below average in NJ. Notice how the cold is centered near the eastern central part of the country, which corresponds to our winter forecast. Also notice the corresponding warmth in the west (see below for winter forecast from October).
Predicted Temperature Anomalies From January 17-22:
Mike's Snow Watch Winter Temperature Outlook From October:
Long Range Outlook
The End of January:
After a brief warmup in the middle of the month--known as the infamous January Thaw--winter returns will almost as much power as the first half of January and more snow on into February.
Below: Temperatures from January 27 through February 6 (New Jersey is forecasted to be about 4˚F below average during that 10-day period)
Below: Temperatures from January 27 through February 6 (New Jersey is forecasted to be about 4˚F below average during that 10-day period)